
  • Emerging Trends in Truck Technology: How to Stay Ahead of the Curve

    In recent years, the trucking industry has seen significant advancements in technology that have revolutionized the way fleets operate. As the industry continues to evolve, it is essential for trucking companies to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in truck technology to remain competitive and efficient. In this blog post, we will explore the emerging trends in truck technology and provide tips on how trucking companies can stay ahead of the curve.
  • The Importance of Driver Training and Safety Programs in Reducing Accidents and Liabilities

    For businesses that rely on transportation, driver safety is a critical concern. Companies have a responsibility to ensure that their drivers are w...
  • Choosing the Best Mattress for Long Haul Trucking

    Truck drivers spend a significant amount of time on the road, driving long distances and navigating challenging road conditions. One of the most crucial aspects of their job is getting enough rest to maintain focus and alertness while driving. However, the conditions inside a truck can make it difficult to get quality sleep, particularly if the mattress is not comfortable or supportive enough.
  • The benefits of custom-made RV mattresses: Why size matters

    When it comes to RV camping, comfort is key. The last thing anyone wants is to wake up feeling stiff and sore from a poor night's sleep. One of the most important factors in ensuring a good night's sleep while RV camping is having a comfortable mattress. However, finding the right size and style of mattress can be a challenge. This is where custom-made RV mattresses come in.
  • 5 must-see national parks for RV enthusiasts

    Adventure has no season and time, and who knows this better than RV enthusiasts? Going from place to place and exploring the richness and diversity of your country gives you the experience of a lifetime. RV camping in national parks is a perfect way to expand your social horizon and experience the majestic view.

    The USA is home to 423 national park sites spanning over 84 million acres of land that include landscapes and historical narratives to commemorate the country’s past and cultural richness. So, if have also ditched the traditional home culture and chose to roam around the country in a moving house, then add these 5 national parks to your wishlist.  

  • RV Mattress Materials: Foam, Innerspring, or Air? Understanding the Options

    Foam, innerspring, and air are among the top 3 RV mattress options available in the market. Buying a mattress for a home is not the same as for your moving home. You will be driving all through the day, and getting a comfortable night's sleep is important for blissful mornings.

    Going to a store and lying on mattresses for a few seconds or minutes won’t give the right impression; you need to do your own research and see what’s best for you and your RV companions. So, here we have gathered enough details about foam, innerspring, and air mattresses to help you make a sound decision. 

  • what is Certipur certification (Kogler has got this certification)

    CertiPUR-US is a foam certification program administered by a US-based nonprofit organization established in 2008. The aim was to improve the mattress standards and spread the knowledge about which foams are appropriate. CertiPUR-US’s goal is to eliminate the existence of substandard foams imported from foreign nations as they are manufactured using harmful chemicals.
  • Article about Clinifoam and its benefits and why a clinifoam mattress is to be preferred

    Poor sleep is bad for your health and it directly impacts your ability to do basic chores, including what you do at work. Fatigue and sleep deprivation have been observed as the top reasons for commercial truck drivers’ road accidents in the USA.

    As per a recent report released by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, lack of good night sleep is a factor in almost 100,000 truck accidents and 1,550 fatalities every year. Further, on interviewing and surveying commercial truck drivers, 66% of them acknowledged experiencing some level of fatigue on at least 50% of their monthly trips. More than 65% of the surveyed drivers shared that symptoms of drowsiness like yawning are common on long trips. 

  • How Truck Fleets Can Improve Employee Retention

    With the labor shortage continuing in 2022, retaining top performers grows difficult. Attracting new talent with high employee turnover trends can be equally tricky.

    Implementing useful technologies and offering incentives can go a long way in decreasing employee disengagement for improved retention and new talent acquisition.

  • How to RV on a budget

    The cost of RV travel can add up quick, but strategic and patient planning make hitting the road possible on any budget. RVing is one of the most economical ways to travel, and thousands are able to enjoy RV living while keeping their finances in check.

    In order to RV on a budget, it’s important to have an idea of how much you’ll be spending, whether full-time RVing or just taking your motorhome, travel trailer or camper van out a few times a year. When estimating how much you will need, consider how you’re financing your RV, annual maintenance costs, campground fees, gas prices, and food costs. As you plan out the costs of your RV travel, below are some ways you can save money while traveling in an RV.

  • Truck Drivers and crime prevention: study made by FMCSA

    FMCSA is short for Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, an agency that monitors and modulates the commercial motor vehicle (CMV) industry in the USA. Its goal is to keep America’s roadways safe by taking measures to minimize crashes, injuries, and fatalities with large trucks, buses, and other CMVs.
  • Truck Shows and Events 2023

    It’s important to stay updated with the trends going on in your industry. If you belong to the trucking industry, you would know how beneficial it is to attend truck shows and events, right? Luckily, the year 2023 is lined up with some of the best trade shows catered to all interests. We have compiled a list of shows that are fueled with knowledge, updates, trends, and much more.